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Pronoun Name Tags


Pronoun Name Tags

Stack of Pronoun Name Tags
Seven Varieties of Pronoun Name Tag
Stack of Pronoun Name Tags
Seven Varieties of Pronoun Name Tag

Pronoun Name Tags

from $2.00

A handy sticker that tells the world your name and pronouns. Comes in seven varieties: he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, xe/xem/xyrs, ze/hir/hirs, Spivak, and fill-in! Whether being used when meeting new people or as a gentle reminder to old friends, these pronoun name tags use a familiar format to communicate the information quickly and easily.

Available in packs of 5, 20, or 100!

100 packs may take up to an additional week to ship. Please contact us directly for rush orders!

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