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Ambiguously Gay Vampire Patch

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Ambiguously Gay Vampire Patch

from $10.00

Lightning strikes outside of your dark stone castle. You are reclined on an absurdly large velvet couch, decadently draped in thralls of all genders and body types. Which are for food and which are for fun? You chuckle, swirling a glass of viscous red fluid. Well… that would be telling.

Linen Patch with a Glow-in-the-Dark Vinyl design! Sew-on or Glue-on, approx. 4 1/2”x3 1/4”

This patch is available with raw edges, or edges hand-stitched with GitD thread. If purchasing raw edges, we strongly recommend stitching them yourself when applying the patch to avoid fraying! This can be done with stitching or a no-fray sealant.

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